Monday, October 8, 2018

A Conversation with Anthony Bourdain's dear friend Joel Rose about their friendship, his passing away, and their final project "Hungry Ghosts"

Joel Rose is the author of such acclaimed novels as Kill, Kill, Faster, Faster and The Blackest Bird. He is also a dear and close friend of the late, great and very much missed Anthony Bourdain. Their friendship was also a creative partnership. Together they co-wrote The New York Times bestselling graphic novel Jiro Dreams of Sushi and its prequel Get Jiro! Blood and Sushi. Joel and Anthony's final project together is the new graphic novel Hungry Ghosts.
Joel and Chauncey reflect on Anthony Bourdain's life and why he is so beloved by legions of fans around the world. Joel also explains Bourdain's life philosophy, how they met and became such close friends, Bourdain's strength through vulnerability and what they learned from each other.
Joel and Chauncey also bond over their shared working class origins and present, appreciating their fathers' wisdom and examples, as well as navigating through financial insecurities and fears.
During this week's podcast Chauncey explains, again, why it was no surprise that Brett Kavanaugh and the Republicans were able to win the Supreme Court and con and intimidate the Democrats and so many others in the news media and among the public. Chauncey also cuts a promo on cowardly and weak Democrats such as Cory Booker and other people who actually believe that we should love Donald Trump's voters and other Republicans because they are our "fellow Americans".

At the end of this week's podcast Chauncey shares a very important essay from The New Yorker which details in precise terms how Donald Trump is a political magician and illusionist.
This week's podcast with Joel Rose can be listened to or downloaded here.

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