Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Peek into the Id of the Tea Party Republican Imagination: Obama's Racist Black Theology

When I come upon a compelling find on Youtube I like to share it with you all.

Obama's Racist Black Theology is entertaining. It is skillful in how it presents decontextualized information in a manner which validates the priors of its audience while maintaining a veneer of scholarly rigor and critical distance. Great stuff. Even better propaganda for the low information Tea Party Conservative crowd.

There are some real gems here: Little did I know that the movie Independence Day was based upon the teachings of Nation of Islam's founder Fard Muhammad. Nor did I know that Black Israelites were praying for a space ship to arrive on the day of Obama's election in order to carry the elect few off into the cosmos. I smiled at the walk down memory lane that was the ridiculousness of Khalid Muhammad's promo on white folks and Apartheid.

Obama's Racist Black Theology also represents the sickness that is white racism mated with Right-wing zealotry in the Age of Obama. While reasonable folks shook their heads at the Birthers and all of the other assorted crazy talk by Conservatives that the President is a closet Socialist or is controlled by some voodoo magic from his dead Kenyan father, the agitprop antics of the Tea Party GOP and their foot soldiers is no laughing matter.

In fact, 30 percent of Republicans in a recent survey reported still believing that the President is not a United States citizen.

Our society is sick; right wing reactionary politics are a symptom of the disease. Moreover, because conservatism and racism are one in the same in America, the election of the country's first black President has freed both to interact in a synergistic manner where "conspiranoids" and a fantastic combination of Ayn Randian dystopian politics and Right-wing Christian Nationalism work through the old ether of white racial resentment to create an utterly dysfunctional political culture.

The Right-wing populists who lapped at the trough of the Reverend Wright controversy and who daily suggest that white folks are oppressed and losing their country to those Others, are not too distant from the imaginary offered by the Obama's Racist Black Theology video.

Bachmann, Perry, and the rogues gallery that is the Tea Party GOP Presidential field would find much to agree with there.

The lunatic Right and the mainstream Republican Party are both similarly detached from reality (many believe in Christian Nationalism; that God tells them to run for high office; prayer controls the economy; science is trumped by fantasy; and folks like pseudo-historian David Barton have "proven" America is founded as a Christian republic).

Doubling down, the lunatic Right and the mainstream Republican Party also both possess an instinctive disgust and revulsion at the very personhood of Barack Obama. And faith trumps all, such that matters of fact and empiricism are overridden by--what are for all intents and purposes--practical beliefs in superstition and magic on matters ranging from the economy, to tax policy, to science, and foreign affairs.

In reflecting on the Reverend Wright affair it did not matter that few if any of Obama's detractors actually read anything of substance about black liberation theology, or took the time to actually engage in a substantive way with Dr. Cone. Nor, did the Right ever critically reflect on Reverend Wright's truth telling about America's history of abuses both at home and abroad.

Reality is dead. Long live the triumph of ideology, fantasy, and Orwellian doublespeak over the world of facts and reason.

When watching videos such as Obama's Racist Black Theology, listening to Right-wing talk radio, or checking in on Fox News, I am reminded that they offer a caricature of reality which fulfills the fantasies of American Authoritarians.

In all, for that and other reasons I do not envy Obama his job.

Consider for a moment the tasks at hand: Barack Obama has to quadrangulate between rabid conservatives who see him as grotesque and monstrous (both because he is a Democrat and also because he had the sheer nerve to be a black man who ran for the Office of President and won), white liberals who want him to be Shaft or 50 Cent, and none too few black folks with unreasonable expectations that he is a messiah who has disappointed them, leaving Black America a lost/found tribe in the desert.

I wouldn't take that bargain for 1 dollar or a million. Would you?


Anonymous said...

-Obama is protected by the Liberal Machine Media.

-Obama killed Osama.

-Obama won a peace prize.

-If Obama is too harshly criticized you're considered a "racist" (this blogger doesn't seem to mind throwing around the word 'racist')

-according to Liberals Obama influenced the "Arab Spring"

-Obama inherited the mess that was caused by George "blame him" Bush.

And YET it increasingly looks like Obama can't save his presidency.

They say Obama is starting to become a loser. Actually I think it's the people still protecting him (coddeling) him at this point.

This blogger that did this article is a LOSER. Matter of fact he seems to be one of those ghetto blacks that really never got along with the white people especially with the cool ones.

Hey loser, YEAH I'm talking to you!

What's the matter? Still thinking "ghetto" is cool these days? You're a trashy loser that feels awkward around successful people. Get a life loser. I imagine you slumped over nerdy looking at best.

Continue to fiercly type away loser!

Anonymous said...

-Obama is protected by the Liberal Machine Media.

-Obama killed Osama.

-Obama won a peace prize.

-If Obama is too harshly criticized you're considered a "racist" (this blogger doesn't seem to mind throwing around the word 'racist')

-according to Liberals Obama influenced the "Arab Spring"

-Obama inherited the mess that was caused by George "blame him" Bush.

And YET it increasingly looks like Obama can't save his presidency.

They say Obama is starting to become a loser. Actually I think it's the people still protecting him (coddeling) him at this point.

This blogger that did this article is a LOSER. Matter of fact he seems to be one of those ghetto blacks that really never got along with the white people especially with the cool ones.

Hey loser, YEAH I'm talking to you!

What's the matter? Still thinking "ghetto" is cool these days? You're a trashy loser that feels awkward around successful people. Get a life loser. I imagine you slumped over nerdy looking at best.

Continue to fiercly type away loser!

afrodiction said...

Like, my brain, and all its cells, are, for sure, totally combusting at the exponential and contraindicative levels of stupidity and irony contained in the, like, above comment.

afrodiction said...

Now that you've let me clear my throat: This analysis rightchea is what errbody should be saying. Man inherited the worst mess: multiple militaristic operations, shitty economy, and a populace that is whelmingly without manufacturing, mathematics, and listening skills. Add to that the social enlightenment that is now more prevalent (harder to be an out loud and proud racist), making political demands much more complicated than they were a mere decade ago, and boom--you have yourself the worst job in history.

People need to calm the eff down about his performance.

Chris Sharp said...

I agree that the President was dealt a shitty hand, and if I was him, I wouldn't take the million dollars to do his job either. On the other hand, since I am a white guy I'd take the million dollars in a second just to have four years to fuck with those vile despicable right wing bastards and make them choke on a hard dose of the unvarnished truth. (geez I almost sound like my beloved Congressman Allen West there).

But if he is not going to be re-elected I would like to see him morph into Shaft for the last year, all the way down to the bad ass clothes and the music. Can't you just see him strutting up to the podium to give his final State of the Union address with Isaac Hayes playing in the background, before he tells them he's the Giant Negro in charge and will be their worst nightmare for the rest of his Presidency? At least it would make his final year in office a memorable one.

And as for the anonymous idiot who has posted above me, all I can say is I don't think he could have given you a better example to prove some of your points.

Finally, and on a more serious note, I heard a truly ominous quote the other day from David Gergen when he was discussing some of these same issues on one of the talking head shows: "A house divided canot stand." I don't usually agree with much that Gergen says but I think he may have nailed it with that one. And we all know what hapened the first time someone said that.

chaunceydevega said...

@Anon. You prove my point. Thanks

@Afro. Don't look into the light, just don't for they will suck you into their twisted world.

@Chris. In a dream world I fantasize about him just coming up to the podium and telling the truth, and sharing everything that he has wanted to say these last 3 years and kept to himself. The President would then turn around and walk away. That would be priceless. Ain't gonna happen.

Anonymous said...


although, I must say..The sheer visual power of having an obviously advanced spacecraft effect a soft landing in the continental United States, and, upon seeing the occupants of said vehicle disembark and discover that they are ambassadors of an advanced black civilization...

There would not be enough coronary care units in America to handle the load..

Yeah, I know.. Just a thought..we're still allowed to have those, right?

Anonymous said...

As for "Black Is-real-ites"?

I've never heard of this, or them..
Forgive my ignorance, Chauncey, but.. are these people real?

Anonymous said...

oh dear lord...What I'm seeing in this vid is proof that mental illness is a real, virulent disease...

Chris Sharp said...

When that mysterious spaceship comes, and I sure hope I am here when it does, no doubt it will be piolted by my man George Clinton, who will then take all of the enlightened folks to the P-Funk universe!

chaunceydevega said...

@Anon 2-Folks would stroke out if the aliens show up and they are brothers from outerspace. There is some cool speculative fiction from the 1950s and 1960s on just that subject that I will share if I can find it online.

@Anon 3-Yes they are quite real. Google or youtube them. Here is a fun post I did over the summer

@Phil. Dsm iv worthy. Obama derangement syndrome should be an entry.

@Chris. With Sun Ra's music blaring know he was speaking to the aliens.

Unknown said...

That last paragraph of this post is really annoying to say the least. Shaft? Messiah? Seriously?

Look, the criticism of Obama from liberals and "none to few black folks" stems from the man running his campaign as one thing and governing as another. While it's true many progressives projected all sorts of crazy nonsense on Barack that in no way means excuses the following:

1. Choosing austerity over handling joblessness

2. Not going to Wisconsin after saying during the campaign that he would put on his walking shoes and join the march of any union whose collective bargaining was threatened.

3. Saying he was first for single payer then for a public option and then selling out on both.

4. Being against the Bush tax cuts and then extending them.

5. Expanding the powers of the police state to the point where we can now assassinate Americans who are overseas and say things the Prez doesn't like

6. Using every chance he gets to give in to Republican demands

7. Drone attacks on endless Muslim countries

8. Continuing the never ending War on Terror

There is more of course, but that's
just off the top of my head. Being pissed about all or some of the above does not mean one is looking for Shaft or Jesus.

As for how hard his job is? Give me a break. Roosevelt was called Jews-a-velt and certain wealthy people wanted to have him over thrown. Abe Lincoln had a war with half the nation. Clinton was called everything from a murderer to a drug dealer to a secret communist (sound familiar?) and, of course, he was impeached. News flash, Presidents always have opposition and they always have supporters who get mad at them when they fail to do their job. Save the poor Barack stuff. It's preposterous.

chaunceydevega said...

@Unknown. Things that are annoying are often true. But I digress. That was a signal to the comments by Michael Moore, Maher, and others that they want a "real black guy" in the White House and are disappointed by what they got.

I am not an Obamabot. I agree with much of what you wrote. My observations still stand.

Calm down, do you have a hangover from the fracas over liberal racism and the critiques of the President over at Salon and the Nation?

To deny the unique nature of the opposition he faces and the situation Barack Obama inherited is to live in a fantasy land. We can hold him accountable as we should all Presidents, but to flatten history is to engage in a venture based on anti-intellectualism and delusion. That is not a trip I am willing to take...nor should you.

Sherry Peyton said...

Being a bit long in the tooth, my expectations were more reasonable so Obama has never been the "disappointment" he is to others. He's been dealt an awful hand and has, in many ways, done a good deal better than most anyone else could have done.

If there is one really good thing that has come from it, it seems to me that we have had a cancer eating away at the heart of this country that is now exposed for all to see in all its ugliness.

These lunatics are finally seen for what they are, and almost their entire field of "candidates" share to one degree or another in their disease. Huntsman may be the only rational one among them.

One can but hope that the largely sleepy middle who find the right insane and then left unproductive, will come down on the side of sanity.

afrodiction said...

@Chauncey: No way, no how am I walking into that soul-sucking vortex. Also, ain't gonna happen? What about his takedown of REpublican leadership all those eons ago. This girl was jizzin in her pants.

@Unknown: Chauncey got there before I did, but, yes, much of what you say is valid. The problem is that it's easy to make campaign promises, harder to keep them. One could argue that either 1) barack shouldn't have made them (speaks to his inexperience with politics) or 2) that he should be more dictatorial.

I argue that, because of his being unseasoned politician, he didn't have quite the waxy buildup, and couldn't lube Congress (like Bill Clinton--yeah, I said it; that impeachment came basically at the end of his second term).

The fact is that he brought/brings a good face and a good mind to US leadership. I decided to vote for him after hearing one promise; he hasn't mentioned that selling point since he's been in office. But I'll take him pressuring the repeal of DADT, for sure.

Unknown said...

A follow up to your comments:

But more often than not annoying is just annoying.

I agree Obama is in a unique situation and he took that uniqueness and did exactly the wrong things with it. And if I have a hangover it's with folks telling me how hard life is for a man who lives in the highest office in the land. Screw that. I've been unemployed for over a year. I'm part of that 17% unemployment you might of heard about. I think I know what hard is. I would gladly switch places with Obama.

By the way, what happens when the CBC goes out and addresses this massive unemployment problem? What does my "unique" President do? The President of the United States got in front of black Congressional Representatives and told them to stop whining. Something he'd never suggest of Wall Street or any other group for that matter.

How very, very unique.

Ironically, no one whines as loud nor as often as this man and his fan base. They keep insisting the Presidency has some how become weaker since GWB left and Obama can't do anything. No, not a thing. All evidence to the contrary not withstanding.

All anyone is asking for is a Democratic President who follows policies that a Democratic base voted for. A first step in that direction is not to hear how "unique" Obama's situation is but for HIM to stop offering Grand Bargains and tax cuts to his enemies. When he starts to show some interest in my problems that's when I'll give a damn about his. Until then, I don't want to hear it.

And don't tell me to calm down.

Plantsmantx said...

"...white liberals who want him to be Shaft or 50 Cent"

Oh, That sounds "truthy", and is even the actual truth in some cases but I've taken note of who is quickest to jump up and down and holler with joy when he does do or say something that can be halfway construed as "Shaft or 50 Cent".

40 said...

What it comes down to for me is I can't wait to see Barack's presidential pardon list as finishes his term. If he would ever go "Arsenio's Last Week On Air", I'd be truly riveted by who he would set free. Would he go all in and say let Mutulu Shakur, Larry Hoover, Jeff Fort, walk from their 24 hour lockdown in Federal Supermax? Just a random thought...