A colleague who forwarded the above clip to me summed it up best with his email that:
Let's be honest. These people are straight up racist fucks. If Obama weren't black, they'd be half-way okay with things. They believe "their world" is under some sort of assault from "socialism" and other concepts they are literally too stupid to understand (or appreciate). They didn't mind or protest those ridiculous "red/orange/yellow alerts" at the airport or all the other BS from Bush. There are a lot of lunatics out there. Nearly all are Republicans. I hope they die. Or I wish I could trade them for some endangered species like polar bears...
I must point out the obvious mouth-breathing, Joe Q. Public, 50th percentile, the masses are indeed asses observation that, "politics is totally up to the family." Huh? Again, where, and in how many ways, has the educational system failed us? Sure, family is a primary location of political socialization, but THE only one? Come on.This woman's tears has inspired me to start a new feature: every time a Conservative (of if appropriate a Liberal) becomes histrionic about Barack Obama--and their only real motivation for said complaining and panic is the fact that the President of the United States is a Black man--I will play an appropriate video clip.
Today's installment of "we are really upset that a Black man is President but we don't have the courage to tell you is"...
In a perfect world, one day those yelling socialist and protesting the loudest will one wake up and truly feel ashamed of themselves. One day they'll reluctantly admit their malfeasance, and then we'll all hold hands and sing Kumbahyah.
But that is in a perfect world, and we have in now way reached that milestone.
Wow - If I work hard enough I might be listed in your "Negroes I Don't Respect" list.
I wonder if you see the gross irony of you having to troll for a video that is an appropriate response to the "White Woman Crying" about the news of what the Black Guy President is intending to do by pulling out Rosewood?
Whereas back then the Negro had no power and thus the "White Republicans" (OK - they were all Democrats at the time) could do what they will to our people with violence.
Today even the most racist American has a Black President that they are forced to respect his stripes if not the person. If they did attempt a "Rosewood" against this, the most PROTECTED PERSON ON THE PLANET - they would be shot dead by the Secret Service.
The power of propaganda, indeed!
So what is the criteria for entering your list? Is it more than simply disagreeing with you? That is typically all that matters.
You have to try harder than that Constructive--we 3 disagree with each other all the time. But, if you would like to be added to the list I can oblige. It would have to be for a serious charge though--lapdogging for the Right wing, being an Uncle Tom or Handerchief head, lack of race pride, being an apologist for white racism or black foolishness. Do you fit any of those criteria?
I didn't have to "troll" too hard. But, what of the point that this hysteria is at least partly, if not wholly based, on Obama's race? and to return the "ironic" jab, isn't it funny that Obama as president, here meaning the office, isn't respected by these people by virtue of the fact that a Black man occupies it? These same folks as good "patriots" would cry and moan that the Left didn't respect the office of the presidency because Bush 2 was in power, but now they fail by their own standards.
On attempting a Rosewood against the president, don't be so literal. The point was about white hysteria, and the allusion to the woman's fake histrionics in the above video.
chauncey d
[quote]There is a great deal of diversity among black political thought and to use such a broad paintbrush as "Black Progressive Fundamentalist" actually separates you from a tradition that you may find a home in.[/quote]
I thought that the Progressive worked to expand the bounds of "Tradition"? I thought that the Progressive sampled the temperature of the water today and CHANGED the prevailing dogma to match the needs of the masses today?
Thus I am not seeking to "find a home" in particular. I am seeking to clear the way so that our Permanent Interests might actually be accomplished.
[quote]Many Black conservatives fall into this trap where they want to claim that black right wingers and not the "confused" black masses (nor the black intelligentsia) represent the "mainstream" of black political thought.[/quote]
You'd be surprised that I actually argue the reverse.
I argue that those I call "Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers" ARE INDEED THE MAINSTREAM ESTABLISHMENT of Black Political thought. Thus I argue that your INCUMBENCY makes you accountable for the results within.
When one machine controls all of the key institutions in the areas were we are most concentrated, that our people look to for the important civic services - those embedded operatives are able to escape internal scrutiny only if they are able to get the masses of Black people to focus OUTWARD on a common enemy.
I counter that there is a need for more effective Human Resource Management.
I am not predisposed to "Racism Chase". If you can show me the impact that this Crying White Woman On CNN has with the school systems in Philly, Chicago, Detroit and elsewhere that are not addressing our people's needs - I WILL BITE and attack her just as well.
I enjoy these dialogues. What if you don't have to racism chase as you call it because racism is omnipresent and key, systemic attribute of the American polity and society at large? This doesn't mean that racism/white supremacy is static--it is changing, dynamic, and socially/historically contingent. Again, look over what we have written, we don't like "racial ambulance chasers" much either--we also don't like black apologists for white racism.
Macro and micro-the white woman's tears may not impact black political economy directly, but the energy, feelings, and consensus they represent among a not small part of the American electorate does most certainly impact the lives and life chances of people of color--by cultivating active and passive racism, a general sense that black americans are by definition the other, are unamerican, and worthy of suspicion (i.e. the whole Obama as socialist meme fits this perfectly).
These folks are what we social scientists and others label as "symbolic racists." As a kin and part of modern colorblind racism, this most certainly impacts both you and me--even if you may be loathe to acknowledge it, lest you "racism" chase.
An additional question, from you end if you feel free black conservatives at large--why such a high bar for white racism and almost eager willingness to forgive the sins of the Right and the white establishment, but such disdain and anger towards "mainstream" "liberal" black political thought? What is the investment in currying favor with White racial reactionaries?
Here I am thinking of the Sowells, Steeles, Thomases, Steeles, and Elders of the world--the last few are specially tragic.
Is there any evidence that one could provide from social scientists or others that would convince you that race remains an overdetermining variable for black life chances and that racism continues to structure opportunity structures for people of color (and whites because of white privilege)?
chauncey d
Chauncey D:
I had a Wordpad window open, planning to cut and paste the portions of your last post that were problematic with me. I had to give up because I ended up grabbing the entire passage.
YOUR words prove my point.
You have already been introduced to m label "Racism Chasers". I have another term that you are showing yourself to be: "Non-White White Supremacist". This is a non-White person who's like of thinking, actions and focus upon White folks shows that he holds White people to be superior in their abilities or in their threat than is another person of his own kind, for example.
[quote]I enjoy these dialogues. What if you don't have to racism chase as you call it because racism is omnipresent and key, systemic attribute of the American polity and society at large? This doesn't mean that racism/white supremacy is static--it is changing, dynamic, and socially/historically contingent. Again, look over what we have written, we don't like "racial ambulance chasers" much either--we also don't like black apologists for white racism.[/quote]
You just documented the PRESENCE of racism. There is no disagreement that it was, is and will be a powerful force in America. I make the case that Rape and Murder was, is and will be powerful forces that are with our society.
If you help me to achieve the day when Rape and Murder is no more I will lend a hand with your attempts to stamp out racism. If one of us achieve a victory first we both agree that he will assist with the other's cause. Deal?
The troublesome part of your analysis is that you speak of Racism's PRESENCE and then use this presences to make the case that regardless of today's institutional support against acts that violate the law as people actually EXPRESS their racial hatred - people's THOUGHTS of racism remain as your public enemy #1.
Macro and micro-the white woman's tears may not impact black political economy directly, but the energy, feelings, and consensus they represent among a not small part of the American electorate does most certainly impact the lives and life chances of people of color--by cultivating active and passive racism, a general sense that black americans are by definition the other, are unamerican, and worthy of suspicion
This is a "Non-White White Supremacist Statement". Again I struggle to understand if you can point to a day when NO WHITE PERSON "NO WHERE" will ever have a thought where they feel their race is better than others? (Even when Asians routinely outscore them on intelligence tests.)
This ONE nondescript White woman's crying has more POWER to slander Black people's image than anything that the group of 40 million Blacks in America have the power to make such a characterization ridiculous. How did this one crying White woman get so much power over your sensibilities for you to focus upon her rather than 10 Black children who you can make stronger?
[quote](i.e. the whole Obama as socialist meme fits this perfectly).[/quote]
Actually Barack Obama's SOCIALISTIC POLICIES in which the government is made stronger and responsibility is taken off of the shoulders of the people do a heck of a job in enforcing the notions of his socialism.
Chauncey - During candidate Obama's "Race Speech" I heard the man warn America to not allow Black people to reside in public schools all by ourselves. When I listened to White liberal educational activist Jonathan Kozol say the same thing over the weekend on C-SPAN I was as angered as him as I was at Obama for saying the same. Both statements, in my opinion were White supremacist. Nothing over than the being in the presence of White people is necessary for a Black kid to receive a quality education according to these two men. Obama's race did not afford me the ability to give him a pass for saying something as ignorant as this.
Is it possible with you to see that certain policies and statements are the triggering event for these views and not JUST the man's race?
Or am I a White Racist Sympathizer when I disagree with Obama?
What is your view of Janeane Garofalo who made the case that the "Tea Party Movement is only about racism as they did not protest against Bush's spending"? When I heard this claim I made the parallel claim against Garofalo asking "Does the discontinuation of Anti-War Protests by the Left prove that they see the Black Commander In Chief as Inferior To Bush?". Same two wars being conducted, bloodiest month in Afghanistan and yet no protests. If I was trolling for the reasons why the difference, Chauncey - Why can't I note the RACIAL differences between these two Commanders and make use of this just as she did?
These folks are what we social scientists and others label as "symbolic racists." As a kin and part of modern colorblind racism, this most certainly impacts both you and me--even if you may be loathe to acknowledge it, lest you "racism" chase.[/quote]
Again I struggle to understand how you feel that any toothless, unemployed White man in a white t-shirt living in a trailer park has the POWER, per his skin color,
to rise to a supreme threat to Black people.
Here is where your claim breaks down. You are not actually attacking this "one ignorant White man" - the "Symbolic Racist" - in truth you are PROFILING THE ENTIRE WHITE POPULACE - arguing that THEY don't possess the ability, per their collective sensibilities to reject such racialism to ignore these "symbolic racists". If you don't dutifully attack these individual messages, you believe, then an increasing number of Whites will hear them and will be swayed.
Tell me I am wrong about your reasoning.
(Side note: If you would apply this same line of thinking to Thug Rap in which references to killing a Black man for "stepping to them" I would be your BFF)
An additional question, from you end if you feel free black conservatives at large--why such a high bar for white racism and almost eager willingness to forgive the sins of the Right and the white establishment, but such disdain and anger towards "mainstream" "liberal" black political thought? What is the investment in currying favor with White racial reactionaries?
Here I am thinking of the Sowells, Steeles, Thomases, Steeles, and Elders of the world--the last few are specially tragic.[/quote]
As a person who has high regard for all of these men on your list I can guide you to your answer.
NOT ONE OF THESE HONORABLE MEN HOLD A POSITION IN THE THE INSTITUTIONS where our people live in our highest concentrations NOR are they present within the POPULAR BLACK ESTABLISHMENT.
Thus since none of them have the power to determine if a Black kid in Detroit will receive a quality education or if they will be relegated to a failing school - I am loathed to spend my time focused on those who have "OFFENDING WORDS" but instead focus upon those who ARE in these positions and have OFFENDING RESULTS.
Once again you keep attempting to have me focus on the supreme THREAT of "White Racism". Even when the offensive White conservatives clear out of town
and allow the Progressives - Black and White to have their run of the roost - they remain the key focus upon which the type of dialogues that you and I are having.
It appears that it was RACIST that they dared to leave Black people behind to fend for ourselves.
My key criticism of the Black Political Establishment is that, over the past 40 years they've focused on building POLITICAL power bases at the local level while clearly having failed to adequately consider the economic, academic and law & order fundamentals necessary to effectively translate their political growth into across the board benefit for the people who voted to bring them into power.
Why do you ask me to focus on the White folks who have left and what they have to say?
[quote]Is there any evidence that one could provide from social scientists or others that would convince you that race remains an overdetermining variable for black life chances and that racism continues to structure opportunity structures for people of color (and whites because of white privilege)?[/quote]
This is an easy answer.
You say "Black Life Chances" and "Opportunity Structures For People Of Color".
Let's consider the Health Care debate. The #1 position for the Black Progressive-Fundamentalist is "THE PUBLIC OPTION". Out of all of this I have not heard any emphasis provided about "Minds and Money".
"Minds" from the standpoint that this deal must include a substantial increase in Black medical professionals to afford us the ability to express our own heath care access, allowing this consciousness about health to be spread throughout our communities.
"Money" in regards to the need for US to value ourselves and our health and thus taking primary responsibility for educating our people to become medical professionals and the facilities that are available for this purpose.
What you call "racism's over-determining variable" is also a VOID that is present as the prevailing order over our communities learn that their economic, academic and social policies have fallen short of the needs of the people.
You appear to be arguing in support of that which I reject when the National Urban League presents to us every year: That White folks are the "1.0" of perfection for Black people to aspire toward.
I have the audacity to believe that ULTIMATELY the SYSTEMS that we as a people field which are in line with our PERMANENT INTERESTS are the biggest determining factor for our success in this nation in its form seen in 2009 than what latent racism can possibly take away from us.
I am more bothered by those who point to racism as the reason for the gap while rejecting certain economic, academic and social systems which have built up their "1.0 reference" as being exploitative and capitalistic.
There is a measure of realignment that is necessary within or there is a need for acceptance of what can be achieved using the present prevailing thoughts.
I will reduce my response to one simple question which I will use as a litmus test. Can you please give a yes or no answer.
Do you think that any of the hostility and rage towards Barack Obama by the Right wing in this country is rooted in the fact that a black man is president and this is profoundly upsetting and disturbing to them?
If yes, and as a person of color, why would you want to continue to ally yourself with such people?
Cbauncey DeVega
[quote]Can you please give a yes or no answer. Do you think that any of the hostility and rage towards Barack Obama by the Right wing in this country is rooted in the fact that a black man is president and this is profoundly upsetting and disturbing to them?[/quote]
WOW. We were having a serious conversation up until this point.
As a person, no doubt, who is strongly opposed to "Racial Profiling" I am impressed that you believe that there is one summary statement "Yes or No" that can encapsulate all of the motivations for these Right Wing opponents to Obama.
But wait - Why is it that you believe they are "Opposed to OBAMA" in his human form - as expressed through his skin color rather than by Obama - the IDEOLOGICAL being. The ECONOMIC belief system. The SELECTIVE JUSTICE entity (ie: the Justice Dept focusing on Discrimination by corporations against Minorities but being silent about the "Bloody Summer" that we are now exiting)
Since you have slipped out of serious engagement I am going to give you a YES and a NO answer.
YES - I know White folks because I stand amongst them with my view!!! Yesterday a White man allowed me to look into his eyes so that I could see his soul.
I did a test. I said the word "Obama" while I was looking into his eyes and I could see the blood vessels upon his retina thrive upon having this word stroke his ear drum.
The exercise abruptly ended when he realized that I WAS BLACK and he enforced the policy that "No Black man had better look him directly in the eyes. A Negro had better look at the sidewalk when passing him".
NO - Its Not About Him Being Black
The reference model of the "Good Ole Days" "When White Folks Were Kings" is expressed in the Rosewood video that your august we site has displayed. In as much as these mean White folks want to "Take Back Their Country" they would have gotten their shot guns and indiscriminately shot the Negros. Any Black man's hide would be a sufficient message sent to "stay in our places on OUR side of the tracks".
When I saw the so called "White Racists" protesting against Black Folks receiving health care in Florida a few weeks ago - I noticed that there was a BLACK POLICE OFFICER standing outside of the conference room with them, keeping the peace.
Now you know - the first Black officers - during the time period that they want to take us back to - where not allowed to carry guns and, most important to ME - Were NOT ALLOWED TO ARREST WHITE FOLKS!!! They could only wait for a "real officer" - a White man - to come on the scene. This is because, Chauncey - only a WHITE MAN could apply RENDER JUSTICE in this nation.
With these points of inference in mind - I ultimately believe that - REGARDLESS OF THE MOTIVATION THAT IS IN ONE MAN'S SOUL
1) YOU cannot control his thoughts lest the totalitarian oppression that you render be worse than the offense
2) YOU can only make note of his violation of YOUR RIGHTS and then expect the LAW be enforced because he "stole your rights" from you
3) YOU can only expect that THE LAW in this nation be enforced to allow you to operate in an untethered manner (no boot upon your neck). The most important task for you after this point is to develop an ORGANIC mechanism by which the people in your "Friends and Family" calling circle have their Standard Of Living define more by THEIR ACTIONS than by the forces that you must commandeer to remain inside of your circle. When you ensnare people who are fighting to get out of your circle, placing prime dependence upon them - if THEY ever get their freedom and YOU have not developed your organic means of production - YOU ARE SCREWED
[quote]If yes, and as a person of color, why would you want to continue to ally yourself with such people?[/quote]
As a Proud And Conscious Black Man - I am far more "upset and disturbed" at the people who see me and other Blacks as "The Least Of These".
Those who operate our Black majority schools, our local economic systems, our public safety and yet tell of the need for HEATH CARE but who fail to link all 4 of these points together tend to PISS ME OFF more than the outsiders who appear to be haters yet have not raised a weapon against me to injure me. Instead they have "LEFT ME ALL ALONE TO FEND FOR MYSELF".
Me having failed to be conscious about the freedom that I now have and the control that I have over my institutions to express my STANDARD OF LIVING - "PISS ME OFF" more than these others that you have mentioned.
Maybe it is the fact that I see "Political Victories" in terms of what my people have been able to express ORGANICALLY is the essence of my 'wrong thinking' that offends you so?
I'm a white woman. President Barack Obama made me cry too. It was when I was in a voting booth casting my vote for him to be President. Hillary Clinton was all about universal healthcare coverage during the campaign and I never saw her attacked like this with the "socialism" scare tactics.
"If you help me to achieve the day when Rape and Murder is no more I will lend a hand with your attempts to stamp out racism. If one of us achieve a victory first we both agree that he will assist with the other's cause. Deal?"
So, let me get this straight.
When murder/rape is dispatched, then let's all work on getting rid of racism?
Meantime, while everyone is ridding the world of murder/rape, institutionalized racism is still going strong.
Okay, good to know.
There is no working order on one set of wrongs.
It is possible to fight against murder, rape, sexism, racism, heterosexism, and all the ills that plague society, and on many different levels with many different skills.
One set of travesties (murder, rape, racism), is not going to take the day off and await its turn for destruction.
It is possible to fight against more than one wrong.
Evil never takes a day off, no matter what shape it comes in.
Nor will it lend a hand to its demise.
Oh, I forgot to mention, this was my first visit to your blog and I like your take on issues.
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