Sunday, December 13, 2015

Semi-Open Sunday Thread: "American Cock So Big And So Strong" While a Muslim Woman Has Fun Dancing Like the Three Stooges and an Black "Muslim" Breitbart Wannabe Threatens Donald Trump With a Gun on Youtube

As is our habit and tradition, please do consider this a semi-open thread.

First, I would like to thank the kind and generous folks who donated to our annual December fundraising drive. Thank you notes are forthcoming. Channeling my gentle NPR nagging voice, if you can and are able and willing please do throw some change into the virtual begging bowl that can be found at the Paypal link on the right-hand side of the screen. Those monies help to sustain my online and other work. I also have specific plans for the funds from this December's fundraiser. I will be starting a video podcast next year--in addition to another major project that I do not want to announce yet--and those monies will go to procuring the necessary equipment. We are only about 600 dollars away from the goal. Hopefully, we can cross the finish line this week. And I think that you will be very pleased with the new opportunity you have all made possible for me.

In this moment of rising authoritarianism, proto fascist Trumpism, terrorism, and other assorted unpleasantness it is very important to laugh to keep from crying.

Here are some of the things that made me smile, laugh, or just shake my head this week.

Joey Ryan is an American professional wrestler. He is now performing in Japan. The Japanese are very fascinated with penises. They are especially fascinated with American penises. Joey Ryan has innovated--or depending on one's point of view, slummed, furthering ruining any pretense of integrity in professional wrestling sports theater--by taking the Japanese obsession with American penises and bringing it into the squared circle.

Joey Ryan's penis power is very great. I am jealous. Are you?

American Muslims are being harassed and threatened because of how a small number of people who happen to share the same religion have been blowing themselves up and killing innocent people all over the world for some time. I am no fan of religion. I think it is a net negative for human progress and civilization. However, I hold all Muslims responsible for terrorism in the same way that I hold all Christians responsible for the violence of the KKK and other Right-wing domestic terrorists.

In this case, individuals are not responsible for what other people do except to the degree they all believe in mythical sky beings who watch them while they have sex, are on the toilet, and have convinced said people that they are somehow more special than other people who believe in different mythological beings.

One of the greatest blows against Islamophobia and bigotry against Muslims is to show how they are a diverse group of people--just like everyone else--who laugh, have fun, and enjoy life. I am not sure if this video is "real", but a group of traditionally dressed Muslim women dancing--and one sister does a pretty damn good Three Stooges impression--is capturing something very beautiful.

As I often say in my best Commissioner Gordon voice, I thrust my hand down into the muck and mire of the Right-wing sewer so that you do not have to. Apparently, there is a black "Muslim" who rants and raves on Youtube about ISIS, killing Donald Trump, and other assorted matters. Dude is likely a Right-wing plant and provocateur looking to get that Breitbart Fox News Right-wing hate media shuck and buck money. I despise what this character stands for. But, I have to respect his game and hustle.

Any news items, randomness, other matters of public or private concern to share? Star Wars: The Force Awakens is 4 days away. Do you feel The Force?

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