Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rules of Inequality

With the news of John McCain's savvy selection of a vice-presidential running mate, Obama strategists must consider the following:

Y = % White Women Who Will Vote for Obama

X1 = Desire to See a Woman in the White House

X2 = Desire to See a Black Man in the White House

X3 = Political Party Affiliation

% White Women Voting for Obama =

f(X) = X1 + X2 + X3

Given the Inequalities,

X1 > X2, X1 > X3, X3 > X2,

What percentage of white, female voters will support Barack Obama in the upcoming election?


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

from a mathematical perspective that inequality doesnt quite fit your word problem - it should be a Quadratic Function with Application to Inequalities anywho have a great no work monday and and hats off to phyllis wheatly on this day

Anonymous said...

This choice 'allows' alot of white women who were Hillary supporters to now vote for McCain, and still hold their heads up high. And, historically, these women do vote, which makes them very dangerous to the Obama campaign. Now, one could say, that they weren't gonna vote for Obama anyway (the race issue, which non of the pundits want to even mention), but there's a big difference between sitting the election out in a misguided protest effort and voting for the opponent. But, of course, the family values, practice abstinance candidate's teenage daughter pulls a "Jamie Lynn", so who knows what will happen now. Let the silliest season of American presidential campaigns begin...I just can't wait until McCain calla Obama a nigger and gets a bounce in the polls, as he'd be just echoing a position that dangerously close to half of white America still has...

Zora said...


You are so right. I have to admit that I was hoping that no one would actually examine the post for its mathematical integrity -- for there is little. I was really hoping just to trigger some thoughts about the voting choices that white, female voters now face.


Anonymous said...

Coming to the discussion late, but the presumption in your equation is that it's mostly about identity issues. I'd say (as a white, female voter) that my vote is mostly about my identity as a Democrat.

I voted for Clinton in the primary for my state -- but that was the primary. I will definitely vote Obama (as well as every Democrat in my state's races) in the election, and I would never even consider doing otherwise, as that's my party's candidate.